TOP 5% Best SMEs in Portugal


We are proud to announce that Gavinho Associados has received the TOP 5% Best SME in Portugal certification, awarded by Scoring. The distinction, referring to the 2019 fiscal year, highlights our company’s economic and financial consistency, resulting from a sustainable growth strategy.

The certification represents an important milestone for Gavinho Associados because it includes it in the small group of SMEs with performance and financial strength above 80%. This assessment uses ratios that value companies’ two central objectives: maximizing results from sales and available resources and ensuring financial stability in the short and medium/long term.

Financial Assessment TOP 5% Best SMEs in Portugal:

  • Determination of the Economic Performance (iD) and Financial Strength (iS) indices – ScorePME Method developed by SCORING;
  • Weight of economic and financial consistency (pCEF);
  • Performance and Soundness Index (iDS = iD + iS + pCEF) greater than 80%, notation “5 – Excellent”
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